[重要/Important] 清華國際學士班於10/31和11/07舉辦線上入學面試/IBP (NTHU) online admission interview on 10/31 & 11/07 |
Thứ ba, 20 Tháng 10 2020 10:08 |
您好。 Hi,
很高興您過去有與IBP聯繫過,或參與過我們的活動。假設您在尋找幸運的機會與安全的地點留學,千萬不能錯過以下資訊。 It’s glad that you have contacted IBP or joined our webinar before. If you are looking for good opportunity and a safe place to study abroad, here it is! 
國立清華大學國際學士班-2021年秋季班外籍生申請入學視訊面試開放報名中 2021 Tsing Hua College International Bachelor Degree Program Online Interview Application
不論是想學習華語、或尋找全英語學程,國際學士班提供最專業且客製化的學習環境,伴你畫出夢想的藍圖。 IBP provides both Chinese and English taught programs designed just for you!
甲組- 華語與專業學科 Group A: International Chinese Language with Multiple Disciplines 乙組- 英語學程: 電機資訊科技、管理財經或工程技術 Group B: Courses all in English: "Electrical Engineering and Computer Science" or "Business Management" or "Engineering Technology"
NTHU國際學生獎學金 NTHU International Students Scholarship Information A類獎學金-學雜費全免+每月166美金 Type A: Tuition/Miscellaneous Waiver+ USD 166per month B類獎學金- 學雜費全免 Type B: Tuition/Miscellaneous Waiver
報名日期:現在至10/26 Application Date: Now-10/26 面試日期:11/1或11/7 Interview Date: November 1st or 7th
如何報名/How to apply: 1. 準備繳交文件,並填寫Google表單: https://forms.gle/gKdKbx5Vgvu9zPtJ7 Prepare your documents and fill in the google form: https://forms.gle/gKdKbx5Vgvu9zPtJ7 必繳資料:高中成績單、自傳 選繳資料:讀書計畫、語言能力證明、其他有利於審查之參考文件 Required: Highschool Transcripts, Personal statement Optional: Statement of Purpose, Language Certificate, Additional Supporting Documents 2. 我們會使用電子信箱聯繫後續面試相關須知/We will senf you an email for further announcement.
現在立刻報名!Apply right now! https://forms.gle/gKdKbx5Vgvu9zPtJ7
有任何問題,歡迎與我們聯絡。 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
國際學士班 敬上 Best regards, International Bachelor Degree Program ------ Email:
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NTHUibp Tel: +886-3-571-5131#33176 Address: 300044 台灣新竹市光復路二段101號/No. 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300044