[FR Foundation Registration Started] 2024 Feb 4th(Sun) Scholarship Online Session PDF. In Email
Thứ ba, 19 Tháng 12 2023 09:49

We started our scholarship program in 2022. In 2024, we will initiate applications for students enrolling to enter universities in 2025.

Since the first intake of scholarship students enrolled at designated universities this year, we will hold an online session with these individuals and four of those institutions.

Students from high schools, junior high schools, and teachers in Vietnam are welcome to attend.

Register here: https://forms.gle/ZvP5QurtjepMbSj28

Registration deadline: Sunday, January 21, 2024

Please register as early as possible, as attendance numbers are limited.


<Online Session Overview>

Date : 2024 February 4th Sunday 14:00-16:00 (Vietnam Time)

Fee : Free

Language : English(Our scholarship students will support you if you ask in Vietnamese)

Online event : We will send our Zoom Link to registered people

Intended participants: High and junior high school students and teachers in Vietnam


1. Describe FR Foundation Scholarship Program

2. Overview studying in Japan

3. Describe how students should prepare application procedures and other matters


1. Introduce FR Foundation Scholarship Program by FR Foundation members

2. Present English-based undergraduate programs by 4 designated universities


*Kyoto university, Tohoku university, Nagoya university, Keio University Giga Program

*Admission officers and scholarship recipients from these universities will attend

3. Q&A session with 4 designated universities

4. Panel Discussion and Q&A session with first intake of our scholarship students

Booth 1: Preparing for life at a Japanese university

Booth 2: Application preparations, essays, and other matters

Booth 3: Q&A session with FR Foundation members

Register here: https://forms.gle/ZvP5QurtjepMbSj28

Registration deadline: Sunday, January 21, 2024

Please register as early as possible, as attendance numbers are limited.

FR Foundation Website : https://www.fastretailing-foundation.or.jp/eng/scholarships/

Contact (English or Japanese) :  Địa chỉ email này đã được bảo vệ từ spam bots, bạn cần kích hoạt Javascript để xem nó.

Cập nhật ngày Thứ tư, 27 Tháng 12 2023 14:44